Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day Trading Robot - The latest Innovative Stock Picking Tool

Stocks and shares have had a turbulent time recently, certainly in the banking sector. Many investors old and new have tried their hand at picking stocks in the hope of making money. Some with limited success, but more often than not with losses. However with advances in software and computers, the odds may be moving in favor of the savvy investor, enter Jason Kelly and his Day Trading Robot.

Jason Kelly worked previously for a hedge fund. The hedge fund developed the first artificial intelligence software that could profitably trade in the stock market by picking stocks. This is the backbone of the service which Jason has now developed and now offers through the Day Trading Robot website.

Day Trading Robot is a weekly newsletter, in which the investor receives one stock pick. This stock is usually a "penny stock" and usually rises between 90%-120% within 24 hours of receiving the newsletter. Rave reviews have meant that a flurry of interested investors have flocked to take advantage of a trial offer available on their website.

With many looking for a means to supplement their income, stocks could well be the answer and with Jason Kelly and his Day Trading Robot, the odds could well be in your favor.

Learn more about Jason Kelly and the Day Trading Robot here.


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