Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day Trading Robot Review

Day Trading Robot is the newest and most powerful automatic stock trading robot to hit the market, and is taking the stock trading world by storm. With all of the hype surrounding the product, people are naturally skeptical of the profitability that the day trading robot claims. With all of the recent market volatility and fluctuation, could the stock day trading robot be the key to your investing success?Investors and day traders alike earn money by selling stocks by going long (buying), or going short (selling) and realizing a profit, or loss, when the stock is sold at a higher price than what it was purchased for, or bought back at a lower price if the trader shorted the stock. The key to making profitable trade lies within the traders ability to follow a system and to avoid any and all emotional distractions, such as trading on ‘hot’ tips, or the news.

As long as the stock market has been in operation, figures suggest that as many as 95% of all day traders lose money in the market every single day. This is due to uneducated decision making that’s based on loose, thrown together hunches and research reports. Many day traders also spend hours upon hours in front of their computers attempting to turn a profit each and every day. Imagine if you were given a piece of software that automatically searched out profitable patterns across thousands of stocks. Imagine removing any and all emotion from investing and making decisions based on statistics, not your gut.

Very recently, trader and programmer Jason Kelly, released the most powerful and innovative day trading robot to the public. This highly sought after program not only tells you which trades to take, it does it automatically! The robot is designed to capture 20 - 30% gains with very conservative properties. The software actually learns (artificial intelligence) profitable trading patterns as it scans. If a profitable trading pattern over time is discovered, it is configured automatically into the database. This extremely powerful piece of software is now available to the public.

So how does Day Trading Robot work?

1. Each and every day Day Trading Robot downloads and analyzes information and data from the OTC.BB (Penny Stock Market).

2. Day Trading Robot then crunches the data and automatically creates a chart based on the price data.

3. Using an encrypted algorithm in the Day Trading Robot database, each chart will be analyzed to uncover profitable trading opportunities and picks.

4. Once a stock is found, Day Trading Robot will then zero in on a particular price in which to buy or sell, and display the information to the end user.

5. That’s it! It’s really that easy.

If you would like to know more information about the day trading robot, stock trading please visit Day Trading Robot.


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